Upcoming first response training

Keeping young people safe is our primary aim in Scouts. Having fun, taking part in adventurous activities, and experiencing new things comes a close second. 

One of the ways we do this is to ensure that a qualified first-aider is present during our activities.

To adhere to this, the minimum first response training is required by everyone who has regular contact with young people (usually those who help with delivery of the programme). This training has to be refreshed every three years.

Do I need first response training before I become a leader?

No. You can develop a personal learning plan with your training advisor and identify when it is best for you to undertake this learning. The training must be completed within your first three years of volunteering.

You can find out the roles required to complete first aid training by checking the Appointments: Table 2 in POR. 

What level of first response training do I require?

The minimum level of first aid training required is the Scouts “First Response” course, which is a 6-hour course. Higher levels of qualification may be needed if you are delivering first-aid training or if you are, for example, leading activities in remote environments.

First Response covers the skills and knowledge necessary to enable our teams to manage an incident and provide basic first-aid. The national First Response training has been developed in collaboration with Girlguiding, which includes a common syllabus and resources between the two organisations.

What is covered in the First Response course?

The First Response course comprises two training elements:

  1. Module 10A — First Aid theory, which covers the first-aid theory.
  2. Module 10B — First Aid practical, which is a short 20-30 minute session covering assessment of a casualty and CPR. You will also have the opportunity to discuss with the trainer anything you are unsure about. 

To be registered as ‘compliant’, you must complete both parts of this training. Your completion date will be the date that you completed module 10A.

Read more about first aid training Book your SW Notts first aid training now